Misc. Photos (2023)
Christmas Caroling: We had a great group of carolers this year! We got to go visit and sing to many lovely community members! After we had a great couple of hours drinking hot chocolate and playing games!
Christmas Caroling: A picture of us all singing the story of Jesus's first advent!
Church Projects/Updates: Kole Davis made this sign at school that states, "You are now entering the mission field" to remind us all that when we walk out into the world, we are entering the mission field! What a great reminder!
Missions Conference: The Kokenzie Family and Dunshee Family
Friends and Family Day: Linda got one of the hotseat prize! Congratulations!!
Friends and Family Day: Kaite's tomato pie won best fruit pie in the competition! Congratulations!!
Friends and Family Day: Joe's Mincemeat pie won the most unique pie in the competition! Congratulations!!
Pastors Appreciation Day: Bro. Joe Presents the gift for Pastor Appreciation Day to Pastor and Mrs. Dunshee.
Church Camp at SSBYC (2023)
Family Valentines Day Banquet (2023)
Annual Chili Cook - Off (2022)
Kole Davis (Best Chili), Joe Weve (Hottest Chili), Emily Dunshee (Unique Chili)
Congratulations to the winners of the annual First Baptist Church Chili - Cook Off!
New Mexico Men's Retreat (2022)
Y O U T H E V E N T S (2022)